
Silesia Marathon



In 2022, we collaborated once again with the Silesia Marathon to organize a Silesia Dogathon — a race where you can participate with your dog. Our goal — apart from producing a large dose of endorphins — was to support local shelters.

How did it look?

Fun on the Route
Dog owners had routes adapted to various sizes and conditions of their pups. We ensured an attractive event program — in addition to sporting competition, there were many attractions available for four-legged friends and their guardians.

What were we responsible for?

Communication strategy

Social media communication

Design (graphics/video)

Public relations

Event Organization

What were the effects?


marathon dogs


cans of wet food for the shelter

200 kg

of dry food for the shelter


dogs with a chance for a new home
Zobacz inne projekty

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osiągnięcie pozycji lidera w branży
wprowadzenie na rynek nowego produktu
ekspansja na nowe rynki
optymalizacja procesów biznesowych

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