



Our mission was to support a CS:GO matchmaking platform where everyone can feel like a professional player - this was the goal set by the creators of Esportal. We planned to introduce the brand to the Polish market by selecting ambassadors, launching a campaign based on streamers' activities, creating a communication strategy and building a community.

How did it look?

We regularly assisted in preparing many tournaments. The largest one was the Esportal Global Cup with a prize pool of $50,000. We conducted qualifications, supervised the performance of Polish teams and were responsible for tournament communication, PR support and broadcasting.
5,362 viewers at the peak momentover
30,000 hours spent watching the finals broadcast.
Daily prizes
On Esportal, players could receive daily rewards for their achievements. This activation ensured they actively spent time on the platform and in the game, trying to improve their results. As a result, player engagement surged.
Charitable Showmatch
With every free account created on the platform, we donated money to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy - WOŚP). The campaign culminated with a stream featuring influencers and professional esports players. As a result of our efforts, we obtained 1,422 new registrations. and the collected amount was donated to WOŚP.
Influencer Battles
One of the most popular activations were 5vs5 battles between influencers, professional players, and players on Esportal. We selected two representatives who later faced off in a "Best of Three" battle.

What were we responsible for?

Communication strategy

Social media communication

Public relations

Influencer marketing

Community managment

What were the effects?

1 400 000

average number of viewers on the site per month

66 000

total number of registered players


number of matches per month

15 000

number of users after the first month
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